Hypnotherapy for anxiety

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Find a solution for anxiety through hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is one of the most effective therapies when it comes to phobias and dealing with your fears. You can quickly change the internal pictures which lead to the experience of the original fear and effectively wipe out the initial association with the phobia and therefore completely remove it. This clinic proudly claims a 100% success rate with dealing with the most common phobias. If you would like to find out how to deal with your specific issue then contact us via our various links on the website or directly through our online support service located at the bottom of this page.

What is anxiety?

Being afraid or feeling anxious is essentially the unpleasant feeling we all get , either real or perceived to some kind of external threat or danger. The most common physiological side effects of anxiety are as follows:

  • Rise in blood pressure
  • Shaking
  • Heart flutters
  • Upset Stomach
  • Nausea

Is it natural to be scared?

People get scared and there is a good reason for us to be scared at times. Being scared is our natural instinct to be hyper-alert to potential dangers and if necessary take appropriate measures to avoid that danger. In other words, being scared is an important and natural part of our make up as a balanced human being. The problem with fear is that sometimes it can get out of hand and trigger spontaneously for the wrong reasons. When this happens and the fear is an over generalisation, then the person being affected can end up with a persistent problem which can end up being a permanent pattern. At this point the fear turns into a phobia.

What is a phobia?

A phobia is a persistent and often irrational fear or anxiety around certain situations, activities, people, places, animals and things. Usually a phobia is an over-generalisation of the situation which causes the fear. In effect it is the fight or flight response triggering despite there being no threat to survival whatsoever.

Different types of phobia

There are literally phobias for everything from fear of needles to things as unusual as fear of balloons and even fear of flowers. The most common ones which I treat, however, are listed below:
anxiety around flying
Woman scared of dental procedure
Picture of syringe
Picture of hypnosis session