Audio Downloads

Available for electronic download. A full range of Audio Mind programming MP3s / CDs using our exclusive Mind-Sync technology for brain entrainment.

• Do you find it difficult to deal with social situations when you meet new people?
• Does meeting the opposite sex challenge you?
• Are you looking to control your nerves in an important meeting, public speaking event or in a forthcoming job interview?
Then let the power of your subconscious mind help you develop a sense of inner strength and stronger self esteem
Unfortunately we are all faced with times when we need to prove ourselves one way or another and have confidence to ‘get the job done’. The problem lies within in the pictures we create in our minds, often well before we even face the challenge. Thoughts of being nervous or not being able to achieve a goal dominate our minds and trigger the natural fight or flight response which exhibits itself as nerves, butterflies in the stomach and that all too familiar feeling of wanting to run away.
Now with our Mind-Sync subliminal audio you can learn how to switch off that nervous inner voice. With regular practice you will be able to develop a better self image which in turn should help you feel stronger and more in control in all kinds of situations, from developing better relationships, to being more in charge of your own life
This programme has one track which must be listened to with headphones because of the audio technology used to produce the mind-sync effect.
Only £9.99

Does your stress stop you from functioning effectively; make you irritable, tired, leaving you not feeling your best?
Are you concerned about the long-term impact on your health?
Does stress lead you to drink more or feel more sluggish?
Then let the power of your subconscious mind help you control and reduce the your general stress levels
Stress unfortunately is a natural condition brought about by modern day living. Whether because of our immediate environment or because of other people or simply because of the inability to manage our time with the sheer volume of things we have to do, stress leaves most people feeling tired, drained and unable to function properly.
Now with our Mind-Sync recording you allow yourself the space to switch off and literally recharge those drained batteries. You have probably heard of how a quick nap during the day can help you feel refreshed and ready to move forward more productively? Well with this specially encoded relaxation program, you are guided into a place of inner peace, distracted by a combination of music, suggestion and the latest in audio trinaural technology.
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Do you find there is no off switch to quieten the constant ‘mind chatter’ which stops you from entering slumber?
Are you a person who wakes up too early and then feels exhausted because of a lack of sleep?
Do you feel irritable and less productive because your body hasn’t had chance to recharge and re-energize you?
Then let the power of your subconscious mind help guide you through spoken suggestions, music and the latest mind-sync technology into a drowsy state of deep relaxation which leads naturally into sleep.
Insomnia is a common condition which is brought about by the brain’s inability to move from a more active awake, alert state to a more rhythmic slower brain wave frequency associated with the condition of sleep.
With the power of self hypnosis using our mind-sync subliminal audio you can quieten that part of your mind which constantly wants to think about the previous day or focus on tomorrow, or remind you have to do pick up that dry cleaning before the weekend! Through practise and regular use, this audio programme can be used prior to bedtime to help silence those thoughts and ideas distracting you from the
This recording has one audio track which must be listened to using headphones only because of the audio technology used in the production of the mind-sync effect.
Only £9.99

Do you always expect the worst when planning a journey by plane?
Do you feel sick and nervous at the very thought of stepping aboard a passenger jet?
Then let the power of your subconscious mind help reprogram this irrational phobia and allow you the freedom to make more positive choices
The fear of flying is an extremely common condition brought about by the mind’s ability to over generalise the perceived threat of something going wrong when flying, or flying being dangerous in some way. The fact is that flying is statistically safer in some respects than crossing a busy road but no matter how aware people may be of this fact that deeper subconscious programming is hard to overcome
With the power of self hypnosis using our mind-sync trinaural technology you can quieten that part of your mind which constantly wants to alert you to the dangers of flying. With the subliminal positive suggestions which with regular use bombard the subconscious with the opposite messages, you can train yourself to remain calm and in control before, during and after a journey involving a plane.
This recording has audio track which must be listened to using headphones only because of the audio technology used in the production of the mind-sync effect.
Only £9.99

Do certain people or situations 'push your buttons'?
Are you irritated easily?
Do you you suffer from road rage?
Use the following Mind-Sync audio program to help induce the optimal relaxation state. Anger originates through a feeling of being trapped or being out of control. With this Mind-Sync audio relaxation recording, you can learn to neutralise this inner negativity. Once guided gently to the optimal level of mental focus you can effectively train your subconscious to let go of the negative emotions connected to anger and through neuro-linguistic conditioning techniques you can then reprogram a much more positive and constructive self image for greater overall self control.
All our Mind-Sync series are ‘spoken’ hypnotherapy sessions from a real hypnotherapist, and not sound effects claiming to contain subliminal messages.
Each our subliminal programs have been crafted and produced by a professional therapist and are not a re-sell of other people's work. The recordings are made using state of the art technology using special trinaural and monaural frequencies which help entrain the brains natural frequencies to a level of calm reflection and attention before exposing the mind to positive suggestions tailored for each condition being dealt with.
Only £9.99

Does the idea of labour fill you with all kinds of anxious feelings?
Have other people's experiences of labour influenced your negative feelings?
What if you could change your attitude toward the idea of giving birth and you could feel far more positive and excited about your special moment?
This Mind-Sync therapy programme helps any expectant mother take control of any negative emotions she may have about giving birth and effectively remove them. Using powerful neuro-linguistic programming techniques which underpin our exclusive Mind-Sync tones, this mp3 can be a very effective tool for conditioning less stress and anxiety prior to giving birth thereby helping the expectant mother to be more mentally prepared and helping her to feel more confident about childbirth before during and after the big day.
All our Mind-Sync series are ‘spoken’ hypnotherapy sessions from a real hypnotherapist, and not sound effects claiming to contain subliminal messages.
Each our subliminal programs have been crafted and produced by a professional therapist and are not a re-sell of other people's work. The recordings are made using state of the art technology using special trinaural and monaural frequencies which help entrain the brains natural frequencies to a level of calm reflection and attention before exposing the mind to positive suggestions tailored for each condition being dealt with.
Only £9.99

Does it seem like you have tried to stop drinking, but you just haven’t succeeded at staying sober for very long?
If you have ever found yourself unable to stop drinking, you will find our Mind-Sync self-hypnosis MP3s will help you take control and feel better about yourself, helping to facilitate your ability to succeed at becoming sober for good.
Once your brain has been gently guided into a state of hypnosis, you create new patterns of behavior within your subconscious mind to become a person who prefers to be sober who can easily let go of the need to drink alcohol.
Now you can harness the power of your own subconscious mind through a process called NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming. NLP trains you to re-wire the mind with new behaviours which are healthier and more productive. When you decide to buy our Aversion to Alcohol Hypnosis Session, you are going to find that it is so relaxing and easy to absorb. Professional Hypnotherapist David Faratian's voice will guide you with soothing and healing hypnotic suggestions to instill new ideas about drinking alcohol into core of your being and guide you toward your unlimited potential to create permanent change and become sober.
Now you can direct the power of your own subconscious mind stop drinking alcohol while relaxing in hypnosis.
Disclaimer: This product cannot guarantee results by itself and for more serious cases of alcohol addiction must only be seen as a tool to run alongside professional therapy.
Only £9.99

You have the ability to create a more hopeful atmosphere around you, and therefore attract more positive things into your life. Having an Attitude of Abundance means that you view your life in a more upbeat and cheerful manner. Through the use of this hypnosis program you will learn to appreciate what you already have and attract what would make your life even more abundant.
You will find that your attitude can be one of your greatest assets. Having a positive, encouraging attitude benefits you in so many ways. As you feel more positive, you are more motivated. Being motivated allows you to accomplish goals you set out for yourself. Accomplishing goals gives you self-satisfaction and gives you an even greater attitude of abundance. This hypnosis program will assist you in having that attitude of abundance you deserve.
Your attitude in life directly affects how you feel day to day. It is how you greet each day and how you face obstacles that you may encounter. Do yourself a favor and start having an attitude of abundance today.
This Mind-Sync relaxation programme gives you access to The Secret of Universal Power and Positive Thinking. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to just go through life taking one day at a time and life seems effortless? Are these people any different to you and me, of course not, but they have learnt how to access and use the natural law of attraction to have a happier and more positive life. The law of attraction teaches you that thoughts become our reality and so chose your thoughts wisely as you may just get what you were wishing for or unfortunately what you weren't wishing for. This mind-sync programme teaches you a daily regime of channeling positive intentions so that you become a magnet for whatever you want in life, a new home, a better job, a stronger relationship. Try this programme for yourself and unleash the natural magic of universe into your life.
Only £9.99

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The Root (also called the Base) Chakra is located at the base of the spine. This chakra has 4 spokes red and dark-orange in hue. This chakra is also the home of the kundalini energy. The kundalini energy is the coiled mystical energy that rises upward through the spine energizing all the other chakras into full operation and potential. This chakra is also the chakra of your animal instincts and all those things that go along with survival. It is powerful (or it feels powerful) because the energy here is in raw form and is most near to a physical energy. A missaligned Root Chakra can cause things like: sexual or reproductive problems, circulation and blood deficiencies, constipation, bladder and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
RED governs the BASE chakra situated at the base of the spine.
Related organs: kidneys and bladder, the vertebral column, hips and legs are also areas related to this chakra.
Endocrine gland: adrenal gland.
Associated problems: constipation, diarrhea, piles, colitis, Crohn's disease, cold fingers and toes, frequency of urination, hypertension (high blood pressure), kidney stones, impotence, hip problems, legs and feet. PINK can also be used here when a more gentle energy is required.
Personality Traits Of Balanced Base Chakra: Courageous, confident, humanistic, strong-willed, spontaneous, honest, and extroverted.
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The Sacral Chakra is located between the Root Chakra and the Solar Plexus Chakra. This corresponds to a location a few fingers below the navel (belly button). Being one of our energy centers closer to the core means that it is more of a physical energy source. That being said all the chakras are beneficial for every are of your life. This may seem a bit like a superlative but the fact is that the energy from one affects all the others and permeates throughout your entire being.
An understanding of the Sacral Chakra enhances certain areas of your life more than others. The first thing to look at is the corresponding color: orange. The nature of orange is a glowing and powerful essence. Meditating keeping the colour orange in mind, or with an orange gemstone can increase the power of this energy wheel. A sunstone or orange colored citrine piece are great stones for this use.
The orange chakra is associated with relationships but also with emotional needs. These two concepts can be clearly seen as incredibly associated with each other. Our emotional needs are of course tied to our relationships with other people. The nature of emotions are the driving force behind personal relationships. So if in fact we are to have healthy and happy relationships it is essential that we keep our emotional health in check
ORANGE governs the SACRAL chakra situated in the lower abdomen.
Related organs: uterus, large bowel, prostate, ovaries and testes. (In the fetus the testes develop in the lower abdomen, thus linking with the sacral chakra energy, then descending to the scrotum by birth.)
Endocrine glands: ovaries and testes
Associated problems: pre-menstrual syndrome, problems with menstrual flow, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, irritable bowel syndrome, endometriosis, testicular disease, prostate disease.
Personality Traits: Enthusiastic, happy, sociable, energetic, sporty, self-assured, and constructive.
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The Solar Plexus chakra and the physical location of the solar plexus can be found about 2 inches above your belly button. It is important to note thought that the energy centre is inside your body radiating out and not located on the surface. Picture these region as a yellow light furnace that glows behind our stomach. The actual physical makeup of this region is a complex bundle of nerves, a very important physical as well as energy area. We can make a much easier connection to how this region is powerful by remembering that the corresponding physical area is also a very special region itself. This is not a coincidence. The other chakras are also located in areas where major physical regions exist as well: think the brain and heart.
The yellow chakra is second up from the bottom of our main seven chakras and the lower the chakra location the more it is in control of the physical aspects of our bodies. Climbing up the body moves to more mental and cerebral and spiritual energy centres. The solar plexus being located in the stomach region is a factor in taking care of our digestive and metabolic systems. Because of this quality many people suffering from allergy and diet problems would benefit greatly from working on the solar plexus energy centre.
YELLOW governs the SOLAR PLEXUS chakra, situated below the ribs.
Related organs: liver, spleen, stomach and small intestine.
Endocrine gland: pancreas
Associated problems: diabetes, pancreatitis, liver disease, peptic ulcer, Coeliac's disease, and gall stones.
Personality Traits: Good-humoured, optimistic, confident, practical, and intellectual.
Yellow is a creative colour and relates to self worth. How we feel about ourselves and how we feel others perceive us. This is the area of the personality, the ego and the intellect. Gives us clarity of thought, increases awareness, and stimulates interest and curiosity. Yellow energy is related to the ability to perceive and understand. The yellow energy connects us to our mental self.
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The Heart Chakra is the seat of our emotional wisdom. Represented in Indian writings as a 12 petaled Green flower, we can see the colour itself as a sign of abundance and growth. Our spiritual growth and expansion of our loving and understanding reside strongly in the Green Chakra.
Being the center energy for love and passion meditation and understanding of this chakra will bring about a feeling of patience and love, not only for yourself but for those around you as well. Love itself is patience, and a quick reflection on your Heart Chakra in a moment of stress can bring quick relief and a good understanding to why you feel the way you do.
Emotions are a form of intelligence, one that in our modern schooling system is completely overlooked in favour of our reasoning skills and intelligence located in our brain and frontal cortex. But the intelligence of emotions and their understanding are tools that can be applied to all situations, instead of some of the academic skills that we learn being only applied specifically and often with no real value other than something to measure by the school system.
The West has been stunted in full growth because of the lack of Green Chakra awareness, a lack of understanding why and how our emotions work. This, again, is done through many different methods, meditation being the core practice and different other schools of approach like yoga, reiki, tai chi, adding physical movement and practice.
If you find some reasoning and scientific understanding comforting I completely understand, it helps in my over all full body health as well. So you should understand that doctors and researchers are finding that the heart is made up of over 60% neural cells, or more easily understood as brain cells. Our heart is a thinking organ, it reacts, organises and expresses our emotions which are a form of intelligence that allow us to interact with other human beings and recognise changes in our energy fields. Our emotions shift with our shift in energy and much of this being expressed emotionally. The Heart Chakra is essential on keeping this balance and healing energy and spiritual damage, AS WELL AS mental. A very strong part of your personal power.
GREEN governs the HEART chakra.
Related organs: heart and breasts
Endocrine gland: thymus gland
Associated problems: heart diseases, diseases of the Immune system eg. AIDS and M.E (myalgia encephalomyelitis, sometimes referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome); other problems related to the immune system, allergies, cancer of the breast. TURQUOISE also has a helpful effect on the immune system and also helpful in relation to the throat chakra. PINK also relates to the heart chakra being the colour of love.
Personality Traits: Understanding, self-controlled, adaptable, sympathetic, compassionate, generous, humble, nature loving, and romantic.
Green chakra relates to love/self love - the ability to give and take unconditionally. When balanced we are able to give love and also to love and nurture ourselves.
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Opening up your throat chakra enhances your ability in all areas of communication. A swirling ball of energy resonating to the colour blue gives your words more clarity when engaging people. The correlation is obvious but the potential use is much greater than realised. There are many different areas of life that enhancing the blue chakra can improve. There are some key characteristics or scenarios that you may find understanding and meditating on this chakra will give you that extra confidence or just the right word.
On the highest level and in general balancing and working on the blue chakra chakra may give the most benefit and may need the most attention in those that tend to be shy. Often this shyness is simply the lack of confidence to find the right words. And in my experience this is more often the case than not. Most people do not want to be anti-social or scared of meeting new people, it is just a paralyzing fear that many of us need to work through that we may say the wrong thing.
Even when working on the throat chakra this particular fear and personality development is going to have periods of difficulty. But as stressed everywhere on this site, it is worth the effort. Any effort made to enhance your communication and verbal skills through throat chakra work is time well spent. Remember always that it is a process and not an event. Repeat this during any frustration. Take a break and come back tomorrow. With this higher level more work and over longer periods of time is required.
Now working down the levels we see that having the ability to speak your mind to a large group of people or small alike, will help any career. Whether you are a scientist who has to give a talk on the latest cephalopod research or an economist explaining the latest job growth findings it is necessary to communicate effectively. Now this work with the throat chakra is much more direct. You can spend time before the speech or presentation even within 15 minutes concentrating on opening the blue chakra.
Related organs: throat and lungs
Endocrine gland: thyroid gland. The upper digestive tract can be affected by imbalance in this area.TURQUOISE can also be helpful for both the throat and the heart chakra.
Associated problems: Thyroid problems - over active/under active; Anorexia nervosa (this is a multi-chakra problem but has a strong connection to the throat chakra); asthma; bronchitis; hearing problems; tinnitus - may also be connected to problems with the brow chakra; problems of the upper digestive tract; mouth ulcers, sore throats, tonsillitis.
Personality Traits: Loyal, tactful, affectionate, inspiring, inventive, caring, and cautious.
Blue is the colour of the spirit and relates to self expression - speech, communication, the ability to communicate our needs and requirements; Spirit of truth and purpose. This is a mentally-relaxing colour. Blue has a pacifying effect on the nervous system and brings great relaxation - ideal for sleep problems, and hyper-active children. Connects us to holistic thought, and gives us wisdom and clarity enhancing communication and speech.
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The Third Eye Chakra, known in Hindi as Ajna, is the visual location of the chakra energy centres. It is important to note that this idea of vision is not only tied to that of our eyes, but that of insight and intuition. Understanding and meditating with and on this vision centre can help you achieve solutions to questions that you may pose in your conscious life.
Now these questions or areas of fulfillment can be spiritual in nature or they can be physical in nature as well. Maybe there is a business problem that has been persistent and uneasy to solve. With some guidance and work with the third eye chakra an individual can receive potential solutions to this issue and be presented as a "vision" for the future, with a spiritual sense of what is to come as well as the physical form this takes.
The Indigo Energy wheel swirls with colour, a deep blue, reminding one of the deep well of knowledge felt when staring into the ocean. We have this ocean of knowledge inside of our being and working with our chakras unleashes this potential to fulfill our purpose and desires.
INDIGO governs the BROW chakra or third eye, in the centre of the forehead.
Related organs: eyes, lower head and sinuses
Endocrine gland: pituitary gland.
Associated problems: tension headache, migraine, visual defects, short-sightedness, long-sightedness, glaucoma, cataracts, sinus problems, ear problems.
Personality Traits: Intuitive, fearless, practical, idealistic, wise, and a truth seeker.
Indigo relates to self responsibility - being responsible for one's own life, responsible to oneself to follow the soul's path and needs and trusting one's own intuition. (the ability to see things from a 'higher' viewpoint rather than purely for satisfaction of the ego or one's material comfort.). The indigo energy connects us to our unconscious self, and gives us the experience of being part of the whole universe. Strengthens intuition, imagination, psychic powers, and increases dream activity.
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The Crown Chakra is considered the most divine, the most connected to heaven, to the celestial, to universal energy. It is located at the top of the head. Associated with Pure Consciousness and the lotus flower of Hindu tradition. While also considered white in colour, Western tradition has coloured the Crown Chakra as both white/clear and violet depending on the practice and teachings.
The Lotus Chakra is associated with the release of karma, meditation, unity and "simply being." This Chakra can be used to engage inner wisdom and deal with death of the physical body.
For more intense and steady use on the lotus chakra I have found it useful to simply picture the flowing of light, from the sun, from the moon, from all sources around you, flowing in and out of the crown of the head. The lotus flower, with all its beauty, represents the rays of the sun, the purity of light, and the beams of energy we associate with this feeling. Each petal is a light beam of knowledge and unconscious, and full consciousness, the infinite loop that is our universe.
PURPLE/SILVER governs the CROWN chakra, at the top of the head.
Related organ: brain
Endocrine gland: pineal gland.
Associated problems: depression, Parkinson's disease, Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, senile dementia, Alzheimer's, many mental disorders, confusion, and dizziness.
Personality Traits: Inspirational leaders, kindly and just, humanitarians, self-sacrifing, visionary, creative, and strong mentally.
Purple and Silver relate to self knowledge/spiritual awareness. It is the union with your higher self, with spirituality, and your higher consciousness. Dis-ease can result with an in-balance of energy in this chakra, either too much or too little. The violet energy connects us to our spiritual self bringing guidance, wisdom and inner strength and purifies our thoughts and feelings giving us inspiration in all undertakings. Enhances artistic talent and creativity.
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Actual results may vary from person to person and we do not make any guarantees that you will get ANY results.
The views and opinions expressed by contributors of the product reviews & testimonials are their own and not necessarily those of or Cumbria Hypnosis. These reviews & testimonials should not be taken as recommendations but rather customer opinions of the products that they may or may not have used.
While hypnosis has many beneficial effects, hypnosis is not a substitute for appropriate medical attention. Products offered on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Always consult a qualified physician or therapist. Never listen to hypnosis recordings while driving a car or operating machinery.
Use this material at your own risk