Jedi Mind Power
15/12/17 09:15

In my practice, I come across wonderful people all the time who have unfortunately lost the ability to believe in themselves. Through unconscious coaching, anyone can train their unconscious minds to install new 'software' which can empower self-belief and confidence. You see hypnosis can achieve something quite special once it is fully understood. Our minds create emotions through the 'pictures' we create with our imaginations. Once a person 'sees' themselves failing in a certain situation then the mind obliges by creating the symptoms often associated with failing; fast heartbeat, dizziness, fast breathing. These symptoms are clearly symptomatic of adrenalin release but what is often underestimated is the power of unconscious thought to re-rehearse a different outcome under trance so that the person can access that more resourceful part of their system to experience a process without the same unpleasant physical feelings. Often it is not the fear which is the issue but the feeling of the fear. Someone who is scared of dentists isn't actually scared of dentists, more they are scared of the feeling of being scared. Once this is processed almost any phobia can be reprocessed and eliminated.
Introducing Lorraine. Lorraine approached me recently with an unusual request. She needed to perform a fire and ice walk for charity to raise money for cancer care. Naturally, the anxiety of walking on hot coals and then across broken glass was stimulating her 'panic centre', and the prospect of completing the task was overwhelming. Through a number of hypnotic techniques, Lorraine was quickly able to re-imagine the outcome of the task in hand with a clear sense of inner calm and control and this was how she was able to successfully complete the walk and raise the money for her cause. The power of human determination is referenced through the thoughts we generate and how those thoughts relate to our model of the world. Change the thought you change the emotion; change the emotion and literally, anything becomes possible…..
Here is the link for the event
…..and Lorraine's recent letter following the event
Hi David,
I hope this finds you well, sorry it’s taken so long to put together! I just wanted to thank you for your considerable achievement in helping me to organise, control & face several huge challenges to enable & empower me to walk over glass & over hot embers!!! The fire walk was 20ft long, the embers were 1,236 degrees Fahrenheit!!! Because of your help I raised £150.00 for Cancer Care!
I know I couldn’t have done this without your hypnosis skills, I was a serious sceptic about hypnosis & how it would work for me, but you convinced me that I could do anything if I put my mind to it!! For this I owe you a considerable debt of gratitude! I really would recommend you & your services to anyone who wants to achieve their unachievable goals. I work with people who have disabilities helping to them to find work, achieve their goals / dreams so it was really refreshing to have someone instil this self-belief in me & help me to rearrange my everyday thinking, from the chaotic to a more organised / compartmentalised way of thinking & that my friend is some feat!!
Very kind regards & all good blessings be with you
Lorraine Buckley xx
To find out more about how hypnosis can help you with any limiting belief, behaviour or emotion, contact us directly through this website or by clicking on the link highlighted here.
Spider season is approaching!
02/10/16 12:12

Practically every year as summer waves goodbye and autumn re introduces itself with a hint of cooling and wetter weather, I can get my calendar out and circle some key dates. What dates you ask? The dates in question are during September and reflect the start of spider season and dates which invariably result in people calling up a service like mine and seeking help for this uninvited ‘terror’. Spiders suddenly seem to be crawling out of the woodwork and terrifying the nations many sufferers. The truth is of course that spiders don’t just appear in autumn and are always present throughout the year but just like anything we give focus to, we are more likely to notice them if we choose to and certainly more because we believe autumn is the worst time for spiders. Unfortunately when we have had a wet summer the chance of noticing these little visitors is more likely but you know that already so what’s the point of my blog?
Spider phobia or as you already know it, arachnophobia, affects 55% of women and 18% of men in the UK. It is a real phobia in the sense that it causes all the symptoms of panic and triggers the freeze, flight and fight response in the sufferer which is hard wired for impending danger and a need to defend oneself from attack. Truth is of course that in our country the number of truly ‘dangerous’ spiders amounts to 0.01 % and even then none of those breeds are found in the typical house spider which is what we are talking about here. When it comes to be scared of spiders our irrational minds, also known as our limbic response builds a picture of the spider being a much bigger entity than it actually is, whether that’s the body, movement, legs, we tend to experience a perception of a creature that belongs more in a 60s horror film rather than reflecting the wholly non threatening insect it actually is. So why is a tiny insect that’s only function is to hide and survive and an insect that certainly has no mission for human domination such a perceived problem. Let's not fool ourselves, spiders are not very attractive and certainly wouldn't win any beauty pageants but they are also not the monster our minds tell us they are. Spider phobia, like most phobias is nine times out of ten born out the unfortunate association we make with them at moment in time, usually childhood when a spider may have caught our eye and caused a spontaneous moment of panic which resulted in the release of the threat hormones cortisol and adrenalin. Now as adults our conscious brains may have forgotten that experience, but since that point when we may have been too young and defenceless to rationalise the startled feelings, we therefore get good at over generalising every future experience which involves an encounter with any spider and those old feelings just reinforce the already negative learning and so the phobia around spiders is born.
But it doesn’t end there. Once a person declares themselves a spider phobic, they begin projecting into the future, creating an anticipation of how they are likely to feel when encountering the next spider even though they haven’t even seen one. In other words, they anticipate anxiety before even having any justification for this belief. Then again, why would they feel any other way. Every single experience in spiders has never been a positive one and they have had no way of rationalising or neutralising these thoughts to create a more positive point of reference and so the phobia seems incurable and debilitating. The end result is more often than not an over anxious person, especially around this time of year, who is constantly on guard and worried. When, God forbid, a person actually encounters a spider then they have to get someone else to remove it or they never enter that room again. This of course is all too common for anyone who identifies with this unfortunate limiting belief.
So can it be dealt with. Can you be spider phobia free, and be cured? The simple answer without any doubt whatsoever is YES. That’s where I come in. Here at the Cumbria Hypnosis Clinic we recognise the fact that spider phobia is a construct of the emotional sub conscious brain. That being the case it is also true that is has been programmed through experience and memory to believe spiders are a threat, therefore the emotional, irrational brain can also be re-programmed through a number of psychological processes to recognise new and more empowering feelings around the encounter, whether in reality or just imagined, with a spider. The sub conscious, responsible for the majority of our independent, thoughts, feelings and emotions can be imprinted with a new set of reference points which teach the individual suffering with the phobia to recognise the thought of a spider is simply not resulting in any anxious feelings, no sense of impending doom and there can even be a sense of feeling more and more relaxed around the very thought of the spider and experience which practically wipes clear the old connection and replaces it with thoughts of confidence and being able to function.
"Since seeing David I have been free from my fear around spiders for more than four years. My husband mentioned it was that time of year again the other day and I hadn't even realised nor was I bothered. Anyone thinking about this, all I can say is give it a go, it worked for me" Jane S (Windermere Cumbria)
What I teach you is set of practical, no nonsense skills, which don’t require any effort, to help develop a sense of independence and confidence around thoughts to do with spiders. This process is highly effective and permanent for more than 85% of the population. If you have been a sufferer or you are currently reading this and want to know more, then please click this link for more information and opportunity to have a free phone consultation. As with every treatment offered by Cumbria Hypnosis I offer the guarantee that if I don’t feel you qualify as one of the 85% then you won’t pay a single penny and so there is absolutely no risk for you if you are not completely sure this is is for you. Remember that any limiting belief you weren’t born with can be changed and removed so why continue suffering…..?
I look forward to being able to explain how I can help you.
David Faratian (NLP Practitioner and Clinical Hypnotherapist)
Overcoming fear of needles
01/06/16 08:34

The fear of needles, whether visiting a dentist or simply needing to give blood is a very common phobia and one rooted in negative childhood experience. Trypanophobia, the technical name for this limiting belief creates the typical fight or flight response around any perception of a needle being used to either inject medication or draw blood. One such sufferer, Molly age 23, a teacher from Barrow recently came to see me about her fear. Molly like so many sufferers had managed to condition her anticipation of anything blood or needle related into an over generalised anxiety. When this happens there is almost a reflex release of adrenalin with the mere thought of the trigger picture, which in turn becomes a learned behaviour. Through a number of layered desensitisation processes Molly was taught how to own the feeling of anxiety instead of resisting it, and thereby helping her to recognise the feeling so that it could be brought under her direct conscious control.
You can learn about Molly's experience with hypnotherapy here. In this interview Molly was happy to explain how the journey she went on with hypnotherapy (EMDR) was seen as a last resort, having tried everything herself beforehand to combat the anxiety through talking and sheer self will, Molly realised she was preventing herself from even visiting a doctor and therefore needed an alternative solution. Hypnotherapy was that solution and as we discover form Molly she was able to notice the benefits of treatment following her first session, and indeed she was noticing changes in attitude toward her anxiety on a weekly basis. The most dramatic revelation that the phobia had essentially been cured was seen first hand when Molly attended her final session. Feeling she was drained of energy Molly asked her doctor for a way to measure her blood glucose levels. Molly was provided with a blood sugar self test kit which she brought to her session. Remembering that a few months previously Molly hadn't even been able to speak about blood or needles, now here she was pricking her finger to draw blood with no signs of anxiety or fear. This demonstrated how powerful an empowered subconscious can be when dealing with any limiting belief. Once Molly had created her new point of reference which gave back her control the phobia essentially broke down at that stage.
The power of hypnosis, as one of the many tools used here at the Cumbria Hypnosis clinic, to deal with any phobia is becoming more and more accepted within the mainstream as an effective treatment for many generalised anxiety disorders. If you have arrived at this page with a general enquiry or a more specific problem then you may be able to find the solution you have been looking on this site. The process for contact is simple. Please fill in the enquiry form by following the following link and request your free callback when you can explain your issue and have a chance to ask any questions which have not been covered in this article. For a full list of treatment follow the link here.
David Faratian
Eliminating fear of heights with hypnosis
29/04/16 08:31

Jim from Windermere in Cumbria approached me very recently for his fear of heights. Like so many people with phobias, Jim had an irrational understanding of his problem. Having not been born with this problem, Jim had spent a good part of his life with no issue whatsoever. In fact part of his life had been spent as a fireman and so heights were a natural part of his reality and his experience. Unfortunately this was all to end once he encountered a one off experience which locked itself in as a limiting belief around heights. The detail of the trauma is not as significant as the new reality it created. From that point onwards Jim was able to activate his reticula memory so that every height was generalised as a problem. Through the reframing of his experience with Hypnotherapy Jim was able to not only neutralise and own the feeling rather than run away from it but he was also able to neutralise the spontaneous release of adrenaline associated with the phobia. You can listen to, and watch Jim talk about his experience with hypnotherapy when dealing with his fear of heights. In the interview you can find out about how Jim overcame his fear of heights once and for all and watch him as he demonstrates his new-found confidence.
Some recent photos sent by Jim demonstrating his new found confidence. These photos were taken from the top of Barnard castle. Thank you to Jim for agreeing to share his experience.

If you are struggling with a particular phobia and would like to know how Hypnotherapy may be able to help then click on the following link for more information.
5 ways to detect if someone is lying
10/03/16 10:02

One of the many skills of human survival has been a person’s ability to tell a lie. We often lie to protect ourselves or others from being emotionally injured in some way. Of course lying has also got a darker side where deception is the main goal, whether to commit and cover up inappropriate actions or else to deceive and manipulate. However, there is one thing that will always be true and that is the fact that most people cannot help but give away their lie through the 80% of non verbal communication, which we as human beings are all hard wired for. You see you may be able to deceive through your words but there are always trails of deception communicated through other unconscious cues.
In a study of non-verbal cues that are signs of lying, researchers say rubbing, touching, or blowing the nose are all ways to tell if someone’s lying. When it comes to detecting a lie, scientists believe, stress causes an increase of blood to the extremities which causes tingling in the nose. This explains why people tend to rub their noses when they are feeling uncomfortable in some way. Of course other areas of our bodies are equally able to betray a lie, especially the eyes. Have you ever watched someones eyes? Sometimes people don’t realise how the direction their eyes move when done subconsciously can tell a great deal about whether what they are saying is created or remembered. You can learn more by watching this short video
Other common signs that someone could be lying to you:
- Tripping over words and using ‘um’ or ‘uh’ as filler words
- Long pauses before answering
- Evading the question
- Using ‘well’ at the beginning of a sentence
- Use of the words ‘no,’ ‘do not,’ or ‘cannot’
- Higher pitch/tone of voice
- Keeping eye contact longer than usual
- Folding arms
- Touching throat (for women this is a sign of lying)
- Holding something in front of them, like a piece of paper
- Clasping hands together
- Positioning feet towards the exit
- Hand gestures don’t match what is being said
- Not using any hand gestures
- Blinking often
- Moving the fingers
At the Cumbria Hypnosis Clinic we use some of the eye accessing cues you have just read about to deal with emotional blocks, anxieties and fears. If you would like to find out how an unconscious movement of the eyes which can be used to detect a lie can be equally effective at dealing with emotional problems then please feel free to Contact us following the link on this page..
Why hypnotherapy can effectively remove fear
07/07/15 10:51

Hypnosis can play a powerful role in dealing with most fears and phobias. The reason it is so effective is because when we are scared of something we initially create a picture of that particular fear in our minds. This in turn triggers the fight or flight response which everyone commonly knows as adrenaline. The problem is is that very often any kind of anxiety based fear which can also result in inappropriate panic attacks is based on thousands of years of evolution where we were initially primed to have this fight or flight response facing real danger, like maybe running away from some kind of ferocious predator. Although the time has passed where we are facing man eating monsters on a day to day basis, that fight or flight response is still conditioned through evolution and can trigger unnecessary fear even though there is no immediate danger.
Through hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming NLP, the subject can be trained to have exactly the same thoughts but without the same emotional response. This means that the person suffering from a fear of flying, or spiders or a fear of needles or dentists can still think about those experiences but the emotional link is broken and once the neurological link is removed so too is the release of adrenaline which then allows the person to have a much more relaxed, comfortable, and controlled response to the initial fear. In effect the phobia, the anxiety and the panic attack can be instantly eradicated. Moreover, once the subject recognises the fact that they are able to have the same thoughts without the same feelings then naturally the new pattern of confidence develops.
Here at the Cumbria Hypnosis Habit Change Clinic we help people to deal with a full range of fears and phobias using a unique blend of different tools including hypnosis. If you are suffering from a similar condition and would like to know more then you can visit our dedicated link on anxiety which will give you a lot more information about the service we provide.
David Faratian (NLP Practitioner and clinical hypnotherapist)
Fear of childbirth - A Growing Problem
08/08/13 09:43
According to the Association for Improvements in Maternity Services women are more concerned about giving birth than ever before. No one would argue that giving birth is a life-changing experience so it comes as no surprise that women are apprehensive about having their first baby. So why is the problem apparently getting worse.
Through research it has been agreed that there are a number of factors responsible, not least the growing number of images on television, which expose mothers to be, to dramatic and often harrowing scenes of real labour. Moreover, the change in social awareness and equality means more women than previously are pre-disposed to wanting to have greater control over their lives which leads to a rise in anxiety and opting more and more for Caesarean birth. In fact, according to one study, twice as many women are opting for this option than a decade ago.
Understandably, it is often first time mothers, who have yet to experience childbirth, who tend to suffer this anticipatory anxiety. Months and weeks before the event the strong associations with being out of control and the perceived pain which often arises through shared experiences from older relatives or friends who have may have gone through a less than positive labour tend to be transferred subconsciously to the part of the brain which conditions patterns of latent stress. Unlike other fears and phobias, fearing childbirth is not just a fear for the mother herself, but also her unborn child. The added responsibility of ensuring a safe delivery for the child simply adds to the exisiting layers of stress, which are a natural part of the pregnancy already.
There is no doubt that the unknown is one of the main factors in anxiety around childbirth. The mother who doesn’t know any better can effectively, but often incorrectly, rehearse the days leading up to labour, the arrival and the trauma associated with a painful delivery, so well that the mind and body work together to make the imagined experience a self fulfilling prophecy.
Strategies for relieving this unnecessary stress are not only desirable but also necessary. Relaxation techniques during childbirth have moved on from the traditional breathing exercises taught in the past and many expectant mothers can now turn to more natural alternatives like aromatherapy or even self-hypnosis.
Hypnosis and more specifically, hypnotherapy and NLP can be extremely effective in getting over the ‘mental block’ of childbirth because prior to labour the mother cannot only rehearse a more controlled and relaxed birth, but through self-hypnosis she can also learn to control any pain she might be anticipating.
For more information regarding this topic or if you wish to experience the power of hypnotherapy for a relaxed childbirth for yourself CLICK HERE for more information
David Faratian (Clinical Hypnotherapist)
Through research it has been agreed that there are a number of factors responsible, not least the growing number of images on television, which expose mothers to be, to dramatic and often harrowing scenes of real labour. Moreover, the change in social awareness and equality means more women than previously are pre-disposed to wanting to have greater control over their lives which leads to a rise in anxiety and opting more and more for Caesarean birth. In fact, according to one study, twice as many women are opting for this option than a decade ago.
Understandably, it is often first time mothers, who have yet to experience childbirth, who tend to suffer this anticipatory anxiety. Months and weeks before the event the strong associations with being out of control and the perceived pain which often arises through shared experiences from older relatives or friends who have may have gone through a less than positive labour tend to be transferred subconsciously to the part of the brain which conditions patterns of latent stress. Unlike other fears and phobias, fearing childbirth is not just a fear for the mother herself, but also her unborn child. The added responsibility of ensuring a safe delivery for the child simply adds to the exisiting layers of stress, which are a natural part of the pregnancy already.
There is no doubt that the unknown is one of the main factors in anxiety around childbirth. The mother who doesn’t know any better can effectively, but often incorrectly, rehearse the days leading up to labour, the arrival and the trauma associated with a painful delivery, so well that the mind and body work together to make the imagined experience a self fulfilling prophecy.
Strategies for relieving this unnecessary stress are not only desirable but also necessary. Relaxation techniques during childbirth have moved on from the traditional breathing exercises taught in the past and many expectant mothers can now turn to more natural alternatives like aromatherapy or even self-hypnosis.
Hypnosis and more specifically, hypnotherapy and NLP can be extremely effective in getting over the ‘mental block’ of childbirth because prior to labour the mother cannot only rehearse a more controlled and relaxed birth, but through self-hypnosis she can also learn to control any pain she might be anticipating.
For more information regarding this topic or if you wish to experience the power of hypnotherapy for a relaxed childbirth for yourself CLICK HERE for more information
David Faratian (Clinical Hypnotherapist)
Eliminating Fear
22/07/13 14:34
A variation on same theme as colour spinning is called the ‘swish’ method. With this technique you learn to literally ‘swish’ the problem from a negative one into a more positive one. This technique is slightly more complex because it requires you to go through a number of stages to reach the final desired effect but by following the guidance carefully you should learn to master this powerful approach quickly and easily.
So let’s begin. Firstly it is important to find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. Make sure your mobile phone is switched to silent and ensure you have a comfortable place to sit. I always say ‘sit’ because with this kind of exercise there is the danger that once you enter a reflective, meditative state you could easily fall asleep if you happen to be lying down. Now consider a situation where you were strong and sure of yourself. This need not be related to a current memory, just any scenario where you felt good about yourself, your achievements and your emotions were more than positive. Now try to imagine this as vividly as you possibly can. See colours, hear sounds and feel your emotions as if you were there right now.
Next try imagining pushing that scene off to the right. Use your imagination and push the picture you just created off to the right. In front of you create a new picture. This one should be the current challenging situation you are facing. ‘See’ this scene with equal clarity as the previous one. Now here is the trick – You must now imagine this image getting gradually smaller, duller, and with less colour. The image must gradually fade and become smaller and smaller. At same time take the positive experience which is waiting over to the right and literally ‘swish’ it very quickly right in front of the fading image and make it completely mask and overshadow the negative experience. Make the image bright, colourful and bigger than before. Now immerse yourself once more in this positive experience. What you should find is that your immediate challenge is now reduced. Repeat this process as many times as you need to.