A shocking fact about smoking cessation
01/10/15 10:06

In this month’s blog I want to discuss the three issues that trigger your cravings and urges to smoke, and the secret hypnotic techniques that can turn them into triggers that make you automatically lose the cravings and urges and reject the cigarettes.
In the next few minutes you are going to completely understand why it is so difficult to quit smoking, and the way hypnosis and NLP techniques can be highly effective psychological tool for neutralising the cravings and urges without having to resort to struggle or to willpower.
Here's the first issue that triggers oral cravings and urges.
All smokers get cravings and urges to smoke because putting cigarettes into the mouth provides temporary relaxation and pleasure
If you smoke, it all started when you were an infant. When you got upset, your mother stuck a bottle full of baby milk in your mouth or maybe a dummy.You got distracted by the bottle, relaxed and soon thereafter you fell asleep.Your inner computer, your unconscious mind got programmed so that now, when something is placed into your mouth, you get relaxation and pleasure from it.
Now as an adult when you feel tense or nervous, you put cigarettes (or chewing tobacco) into your mouth for relaxation and pleasure.
Here's the second issue that triggers oral cravings. Smoking is a conditioned response
Do you remember learning about the scientist named Pavlov in school? Pavlov rang a bell every time that he fed his dogs. After a few repetitions, all he had to do was just ring the bell, and the dogs would salivate.
If a person smokes and simultaneously drinks coffee, the mind takes a picture of the cigarette in the hand, and connect it to the image of the cup of coffee. Thereafter, every time the person looks at a cup of coffee, the minefields in the missing part of the picture. It flashes an image of the cigarette in the hand, and the person feels and urge to smoke
The mental picture of the cigarette is usually only at the unconscious level. In other words, the person may not be consciously aware of the picture. But the image is there, creating cravings and a compulsion to smoke.
The same thing happens if you smoke and drive, or smoke and watch other people smoke, smoke and watch TV, or smoking do anything else. Soon almost everything causes you to unconsciously see a cigarette, and it is those unconscious images which make you feel cravings and a compulsion to smoke.
But what about the physical addiction? Isn't there a strong physical addiction? Isn't that what makes quitting so difficult question?
Here is an interesting fact. Relaxation and pleasure make up as much as 45% of the addiction. The conditioned responses make up 45% of the addiction BUT the physical addiction surprisingly only makes up 10% of the addiction
Of course the physical addiction is to nicotine among other psychoactive elements. Scientists tell us however, that the body metabolises all of the nicotine within 72 hours! So effectively after the 72 hours we are only left with the urges and compulsions caused by the mental emotional aspects of the smoking habit
So now I'm going to share with you how you can quickly get rid of your cravings, urges, and compulsions, because this will provide a solution to quitting without with drawl, stress substitution of food or having to rely on willpower. As already discussed the craving and compulsion part of the smoking addiction accounts for 90% of the addiction, so it is the mental aspects of smoking which cause the majority of the cravings and compulsions and not the physical addiction to nicotine. In other words your mind is mostly responsible for causing the cravings and compulsions.
But here's the good news what the mind can create what the mind can learn, The mind can also unlearn
Hypnosis works extremely well at eliminating the smoking addiction because it reaches deep into the part of the brain where the unwanted habits take route, the unconscious. When implemented by an expert hypnotist and NLP specialist you can quickly eliminate any compulsion
Without a compulsion to smoke you quit without feeling tension or anxiety, or suffering from cravings or with drawl. And since you're actually feel more relaxed, you won't have any desire to substitute food in place of the cigarettes!
Through the hypnosis and NLP programs available on this site you can conquer your battle with smoking and cigarettes without the struggle. You might be wondering why hypnosis and NLP (neurolinguistic programming), works so well. The reason is simple when you change the mental association, you also change the emotion which links you to the behaviour which in turn breaks down the habit.
If you would like to find out more about this approach for dealing with your habit of smoking or any other compulsion or addiction then simply click on the CONTACT ME link at the bottom of this page or CLICK HERE for more information.
Why hypnotherapy can effectively remove fear
07/07/15 10:51

Hypnosis can play a powerful role in dealing with most fears and phobias. The reason it is so effective is because when we are scared of something we initially create a picture of that particular fear in our minds. This in turn triggers the fight or flight response which everyone commonly knows as adrenaline. The problem is is that very often any kind of anxiety based fear which can also result in inappropriate panic attacks is based on thousands of years of evolution where we were initially primed to have this fight or flight response facing real danger, like maybe running away from some kind of ferocious predator. Although the time has passed where we are facing man eating monsters on a day to day basis, that fight or flight response is still conditioned through evolution and can trigger unnecessary fear even though there is no immediate danger.
Through hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming NLP, the subject can be trained to have exactly the same thoughts but without the same emotional response. This means that the person suffering from a fear of flying, or spiders or a fear of needles or dentists can still think about those experiences but the emotional link is broken and once the neurological link is removed so too is the release of adrenaline which then allows the person to have a much more relaxed, comfortable, and controlled response to the initial fear. In effect the phobia, the anxiety and the panic attack can be instantly eradicated. Moreover, once the subject recognises the fact that they are able to have the same thoughts without the same feelings then naturally the new pattern of confidence develops.
Here at the Cumbria Hypnosis Habit Change Clinic we help people to deal with a full range of fears and phobias using a unique blend of different tools including hypnosis. If you are suffering from a similar condition and would like to know more then you can visit our dedicated link on anxiety which will give you a lot more information about the service we provide.
David Faratian (NLP Practitioner and clinical hypnotherapist)
What is the Subconscious Mind?
22/02/15 12:06

It is believed that the subconscious mind accounts for 90% of the mind and stores habits and beliefs, memory, personality, self image and such things. Picture an iceberg where only the very tip is showing above the water line. Now imagine the rest of the huge bulk which lies below the water. That would represent the subconscious, ‘invisible’ part of our minds.
In fact with more than ten thousand external stimuli every day, imagine how difficult it would be if our mind had to deal with so many stimuli. For this reason the brain has evolved in such a way so as to protect the mind and to process many of these stimuli on auto pilot
In between the conscious and subconscious mind is a filter called the Reticular Activating System (R.A.S.). This particular filter has the job of scanning all the new stimuli from the outside world and decides the priority of each item. It is then sorted and some information is sent to the conscious mind and some to the subconscious mind.
The subconscious is responsible also for conducting basic functions like making your heart beat and putting one foot in front of the other. Without the power of the subconscious you would have to divert your attention to making the heart beat every second and would simply not be able to function effectively. Think what is was like last time you drove a car. Did you have to think about every manoeuvre or were you somehow able to get from A to B with little or no conscious awareness of how you conducted such complex actions and maybe you still had your mind on a hundred and one different other thoughts. Your subconscious in effect drove for you based on the RAS Anything we learn is processed and retained by the subconscious mind which is why we can use this to change many of our unwanted behaviours.
With access to your unconscious or subconscious mind you have the power to modify the internal neurological pathways which can sometimes be responsible for all kinds of unproductive behaviours and thoughts, from addictions to phobias. This internal framework relies on all kinds of multi-sensory process which sometimes become corrupted by years of patterned behaviours. Something we process subconsciously becomes a part of us like our names and cannot easily be modified without using a key to unlock the internal mechanism. The tool most commonly used is NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming. At Cumbria Hypnosis we use NLP as one of the many ‘keys’ to accessing the subconscious mind so that these traits and feelings can be effectively changed for the better. Whether you are wanting to overcome a particular phobia, like fear of flying or maybe you are just wanting more control over you nerves in meetings, or even have some desire to stop eating as much or outgrowing any number addictions, then NLP and in particular SCRT (Subconscious Code Reprogramming Therapy) may be the answer you have been looking for.
To find out more about how Cumbria Hypnosis can help you follow our links above to more information and professional advice.
David Faratian BA(hons) HA
Subconscious Code Reprogramming Therapy
14/04/14 10:36
Subconscious Code Reprogramming Therapy
The way we construct our perception of the world is very much dependent on the senses we relate to SIGHT, SMELL, TASTE , TOUCH and SOUND. We experience and feel emotion based on what we perceive and often this process is processed on an unconscious level. What this means is that using this knowledge we can dramatically alter the way a person feels by displacing their initial representation of these internal ‘pictures’. Here exclusively at Cumbria Hypnosis we use a unique blend of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), SCRT (Subconscious Code Reprogramming Therapy) and hypnotherapy to bring about changes in all areas of a person’s life, including, depression, anxiety, addictions and of course fears and phobias. This therapy is highly effective with any habit or behaviour, which is rooted in past experience or pattern formed experience (schema) such as comfort eating, smoking, alcohol addiction.
If you weren’t born with the issue there’s a good change that SCRT can decode it. We think of the brain at birth like a beautifully clean computer, in most cases you’re born without ‘viruses’ or any learned ‘programmes’. As we grow and develop we learn behaviours and our mind is so powerful that if we believe we have the issues then simply we do! Our body doesn’t know the difference.
SCRT can decode the programme that contains the ‘virus’ and effectively remove it from your system and replace it with the chosen behaviour or emotion . SCRT treats various other issues including certain allergies, jealousy, lack of creativity, feelings of guilt and issues that can’t quite be described but are easily felt.
In fact the list of things our treatment can help is endless with many more applications being discovered all the time…. If you believe SCRT can help you then simply fill out your details on our main enquiry form and David Faratian SCRT Consultant will call you to see how SCRT can work for you.
Click here for testimonials of how our system has helped hundreds of people.
Wishing you all the best
David Faratian
The way we construct our perception of the world is very much dependent on the senses we relate to SIGHT, SMELL, TASTE , TOUCH and SOUND. We experience and feel emotion based on what we perceive and often this process is processed on an unconscious level. What this means is that using this knowledge we can dramatically alter the way a person feels by displacing their initial representation of these internal ‘pictures’. Here exclusively at Cumbria Hypnosis we use a unique blend of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), SCRT (Subconscious Code Reprogramming Therapy) and hypnotherapy to bring about changes in all areas of a person’s life, including, depression, anxiety, addictions and of course fears and phobias. This therapy is highly effective with any habit or behaviour, which is rooted in past experience or pattern formed experience (schema) such as comfort eating, smoking, alcohol addiction.
If you weren’t born with the issue there’s a good change that SCRT can decode it. We think of the brain at birth like a beautifully clean computer, in most cases you’re born without ‘viruses’ or any learned ‘programmes’. As we grow and develop we learn behaviours and our mind is so powerful that if we believe we have the issues then simply we do! Our body doesn’t know the difference.
SCRT can decode the programme that contains the ‘virus’ and effectively remove it from your system and replace it with the chosen behaviour or emotion . SCRT treats various other issues including certain allergies, jealousy, lack of creativity, feelings of guilt and issues that can’t quite be described but are easily felt.
In fact the list of things our treatment can help is endless with many more applications being discovered all the time…. If you believe SCRT can help you then simply fill out your details on our main enquiry form and David Faratian SCRT Consultant will call you to see how SCRT can work for you.
Click here for testimonials of how our system has helped hundreds of people.
Wishing you all the best
David Faratian
Are You An Angry Person?
03/08/13 10:40

What truly annoys you? Maybe it’s your boss, maybe it’s your kids, maybe its the unfair way the government is giving with one hand and taking with the other or maybe it’s because the thought of another working day, travelling in a stuffy car and being cut up by some thoughtless driver; the one that totally ignores the fact that no indication was given and so you had to make an emergency manoeuvre to avoid collision. Whether it’s down to a thoughtless spouse or irritating neighbour, anger is an emotion which plagues us all and unfortunately all too often.
We can control it right? Well, that depends. If you have grown up knowing that you can express how you feel and have felt listened to then the chances are you have developed socially adept skills at dealing with your anger. But what if you didn’t have that opportunity and your frustration and feeling misunderstood wasn’t given its proper forum for expression? What happens then? Often, people will grow up with unresolved issues, around powerful and often unresolved memories and experiences, which left them unhappy in some way. This inevitably leads to frustrations and feelings of insecurity, which then have to manifest in some way. The subconscious mind is very good at recording a particular emotion and connecting with that emotion many years later through some very innocent trigger. Once triggered, then anger and rage can be unleashed. In times of great emotional stress, people can exhibit uncharacteristic and often extreme behaviours which can be fuelled by alcohol and accelerate uncontrollably with dire consequences.
As our roads get busier, road rage is now becoming a very serious problem for many commuters. Where does this problem come from? Again it originates from a feeling of not having control over a situation, in this case the actions of other self-serving drivers. The trigger is latent stress, which develops through our everyday experiences with negative occurrences. The husband, who has an argument with his wife or teenage daughter, leaves home without releasing any of the tension. He arrives at work and struggles with a project which needs to meet a deadline and he knows his reputation depends on it. In the afternoon the printer needed for the all important project deadline is malfunctioning and even though our imaginary man is able to resolve the problem he has layered even more tension until eventually he is driving home knowing that he has a further one hour commute stuck in traffic and the inevitable selfish driver behind is flashing his lights to get past and the cork finally pops!
Angry people are only human but this damaging emotion can destroy relationships, get people disciplined or sacked and if unchecked will eventually lead to all kinds of health issues including stress, low self esteem and even depression. So are there ways to deal with this problem. Clearly there are otherwise we would have all killed each other by now.
Learning to create a natural release valve, which you build in to your everyday routine, is the best way to keep the latent stress to a minimum and these practices can be as simple as fifteen minutes of dedicated relaxation time every day. In fact it is now generally accepted that with diligent meditation practices people live longer, are healthier and cope better especially with damaging emotions like anger. If you would like to find out about effective tools for dealing with anger then you can find information here http://www.mind-sync.co.uk
The power of the human mind
25/07/13 19:12
Please picture an iceberg and now imagine that the iceberg is submerged and all that you can see is the very top of it. The rest of that huge bulk lies deep below the water. Well, if you were now to imagine that the bit that you can see above the water approximately 10% represents the part of your mind that you use during an entire lifetime, while the bit below that huge roughly 90% is the part of your brain that never gets used, then you’ll understand how we are not only underutilising our very own ‘supercomputer’ but just consider the potential of the mind which many people miss out on. In the words of author James Allen “ You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you”
So what if you could harness that potential no matter how old or young and literally master your mind to achieve some quite amazing things, which may at first seem impossible and certainly untreatable from a conventional medical point of view. Would that be of interest?
In the blog that now follows, over coming weeks and months, I hope to be able to share with you just how powerful the mind really is and what you can personally achieve once you are open to the possibilities for change. My intention is not to baffle you with science nor do I wish to make any extreme claims about the subject matter to follow. What I do hope is to de-mystify the myth about all things to do with the mind, mind control and hypnosis. The media has understandably stirred a subconscious interest in mind power, from psychological illusionists like Derren Brown to hypnotherapists like Paul McKenna and even more recently from magicians like Dynamo, that enigmatic blend of science and the paranormal is intuitively appealing to even the most skeptical. It is far more interesting to be challenged by the unexplainable than to simply have that experience handed to your understanding on a silver platter; it’s just how we are built.
I hope that the reader finds the information interesting, educational and certainly helpful in what it may open up in terms of opportunities for personal development. I will begin as from next week exploring how the mind can be used for faster and more effective learning by discussing the fascinating subject of accelerated learning and memory, so whether you are an emerging student or a more mature learner looking to maximize your brain’s potential you may just wish to ‘tune in’ next time. Let the journey into mastering your mind begin.
Colour spinning
22/07/13 14:42
Colour Spinning – Keeping your emotions under control
One of the most paralysing and worrying emotions people face throughout their careers is that of fear borne out of self doubt about a particular situation and its potential outcome. What NLP teaches us is that often this ‘fear’ is nothing more than an illusion, a construct of our own imaginations, and since this is the case, there is no better ally in dealing with this type of emotion than the imagination itself. The self talk that constantly unsettles and deceives us before we have even faced a particular situation can be damaging and unnecessary but herein lies the beauty of NLP in its simplicity to change perspective and quickly neutralise these negative feelings.
With the following technique you must first establish mentally what the problem you might be facing is. Then with your eyes closed try to imagine experiencing that situation as clearly as your imagination will allow. Try to ‘see’ ‘hear’ and ‘feel’ and bring as much clarity to the imagined situation as you can. Where do you experience this feeling most? Usually people will identify the anxiety of a perceived challenge as starting somewhere below their solar plexus. Now, can you identify which way that feeling moves? In other words, it is rare that when you feel anxiety that it will simply habituate in one place, and it is far more likely that the feeling will rotate somehow and usually that feeling will be like a churning upward feeling. If this is the case try to imagine this ‘churning’ feeling as a colour. The colour itself could be any colour you wish, although contrast will be important for this exercise so try to choose a colour you associate with ‘negative’. Now with your eyes closed and using the breathing techniques which are explained in this book, imagine pulling this churning , rotating colour ring out of your stomach, flipping it over and giving it another more ‘positive’ colour. As you do this, make sure you spin the new colour ring in the opposite direction so that instead of it churning upwards and round it will instead be perceived as spinning in the opposite direction. Finally bring the new rotating ring back inside your chest and breathe more calmly.
If you have done this as explained then you should notice a dramatic reduction in anxiety. Of course reading about the process and doing the exercise are very different so make sure you actually give the exercise a go. At cumbria hypnosis we show you how to use similar stratgies to self empower and negate unnecessary paralyzing emotion.
One of the most paralysing and worrying emotions people face throughout their careers is that of fear borne out of self doubt about a particular situation and its potential outcome. What NLP teaches us is that often this ‘fear’ is nothing more than an illusion, a construct of our own imaginations, and since this is the case, there is no better ally in dealing with this type of emotion than the imagination itself. The self talk that constantly unsettles and deceives us before we have even faced a particular situation can be damaging and unnecessary but herein lies the beauty of NLP in its simplicity to change perspective and quickly neutralise these negative feelings.
With the following technique you must first establish mentally what the problem you might be facing is. Then with your eyes closed try to imagine experiencing that situation as clearly as your imagination will allow. Try to ‘see’ ‘hear’ and ‘feel’ and bring as much clarity to the imagined situation as you can. Where do you experience this feeling most? Usually people will identify the anxiety of a perceived challenge as starting somewhere below their solar plexus. Now, can you identify which way that feeling moves? In other words, it is rare that when you feel anxiety that it will simply habituate in one place, and it is far more likely that the feeling will rotate somehow and usually that feeling will be like a churning upward feeling. If this is the case try to imagine this ‘churning’ feeling as a colour. The colour itself could be any colour you wish, although contrast will be important for this exercise so try to choose a colour you associate with ‘negative’. Now with your eyes closed and using the breathing techniques which are explained in this book, imagine pulling this churning , rotating colour ring out of your stomach, flipping it over and giving it another more ‘positive’ colour. As you do this, make sure you spin the new colour ring in the opposite direction so that instead of it churning upwards and round it will instead be perceived as spinning in the opposite direction. Finally bring the new rotating ring back inside your chest and breathe more calmly.
If you have done this as explained then you should notice a dramatic reduction in anxiety. Of course reading about the process and doing the exercise are very different so make sure you actually give the exercise a go. At cumbria hypnosis we show you how to use similar stratgies to self empower and negate unnecessary paralyzing emotion.
Eliminating Fear
22/07/13 14:34
A variation on same theme as colour spinning is called the ‘swish’ method. With this technique you learn to literally ‘swish’ the problem from a negative one into a more positive one. This technique is slightly more complex because it requires you to go through a number of stages to reach the final desired effect but by following the guidance carefully you should learn to master this powerful approach quickly and easily.
So let’s begin. Firstly it is important to find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. Make sure your mobile phone is switched to silent and ensure you have a comfortable place to sit. I always say ‘sit’ because with this kind of exercise there is the danger that once you enter a reflective, meditative state you could easily fall asleep if you happen to be lying down. Now consider a situation where you were strong and sure of yourself. This need not be related to a current memory, just any scenario where you felt good about yourself, your achievements and your emotions were more than positive. Now try to imagine this as vividly as you possibly can. See colours, hear sounds and feel your emotions as if you were there right now.
Next try imagining pushing that scene off to the right. Use your imagination and push the picture you just created off to the right. In front of you create a new picture. This one should be the current challenging situation you are facing. ‘See’ this scene with equal clarity as the previous one. Now here is the trick – You must now imagine this image getting gradually smaller, duller, and with less colour. The image must gradually fade and become smaller and smaller. At same time take the positive experience which is waiting over to the right and literally ‘swish’ it very quickly right in front of the fading image and make it completely mask and overshadow the negative experience. Make the image bright, colourful and bigger than before. Now immerse yourself once more in this positive experience. What you should find is that your immediate challenge is now reduced. Repeat this process as many times as you need to.
Mind Over Cancer
20/07/13 17:43
Research has shown that harbouring negative emotions in the mind and body is one of the major causes of psychosomatic illnesses today. It is possible that past trauma, anger, resentment, sadness, regret, guilt and other negative emotions which have not been resolved are embedded deep in our subconscious memories, causing an imbalance in the body which could manifest as illness and chronic pain.
This program allows you to bring would bring about a new refreshing, holistic approach to healing through your mind. Each session is dealt with empathy, compassion, caring and understanding. These sessions are known to cause a positive shift within you and can turn your health around dramatically!
Note: Through various studies, research has shown that hypnotherapy can have tremendous benefits to those requiring hospital care and especially for patients before and after surgery. The healing times for those who undergo some form of relaxation and hypnotherapy before surgery is minimised, patients feel more in control and less stressed and this assists in overall healing of the body.
Try this short exercise.
This program allows you to bring would bring about a new refreshing, holistic approach to healing through your mind. Each session is dealt with empathy, compassion, caring and understanding. These sessions are known to cause a positive shift within you and can turn your health around dramatically!
Note: Through various studies, research has shown that hypnotherapy can have tremendous benefits to those requiring hospital care and especially for patients before and after surgery. The healing times for those who undergo some form of relaxation and hypnotherapy before surgery is minimised, patients feel more in control and less stressed and this assists in overall healing of the body.
Try this short exercise.