Tips for mental wellbeing in 2021

One of the first tips for helping your mental and physical wellbeing in 2021 is to remember to connect with other people and regardless of physical boundaries, which have been imposed on us in the past year, it is important more than ever in 2021 that we make time to connect with the people who matter most to us even when the restrictions finally end. The people that make us smile the people who make us laugh. Never have more people connected as they did in 2020 through the power of technology. This isn't just a case of socialising, which in itself is positive to our wellbeing, there is a physiological benefit to releasing all the positive neurotransmitters into our system that allow us to feel happier which happens when we interact, whether virtually or in person. All you have to do is look at a grandmothers face who hasn't seen her grandchild when she connects via Face-time or the family who meet up and hug at Christmas after not having had that luxury. A happy mind strengthens our physical health, improves the bodies immune system and generally helps us function more effectively. Always remember that each person you meet is a doorway into another world. Building solid and very social connections in your life can increase your feelings of self-confidence and self-worth.
The second way we have to work on our well-being is by being as active as possible. Remember how good you felt when you were only allowed to go out for a 15-minute walk during the first lockdown? Moving your body is one of the key ways to counter any negative stress hormones by allowing the body to feel rebalanced re-energised and more motivated. Even if you were to have a brisk walk for 10 minutes or 15 minutes a day, you would already be investing in your future health. Your body craves the kind of rebalancing that can only come from getting fresh air and the right amount of oxygen. Moreover, exercise is the ideal way to quieten the mind of racing thoughts, and reactive emotions almost like a physical form of meditation.
The third way to work on your well-being is by committing yourself to keep learning something new. A comfort zone is a cool place but nothing ever grows there. Learn to step out of your comfort zone. You will learn things you never knew that you never knew. Stimulating the brain to do what it does best make connections and evolve is the best way to keep mental health as fit, efficient and as optimal as possible. Your brain thrives off being creative and being able to be inspired which is what allows the mind to feel a sense of purpose and by doing that you reduce your stress and you also become generally more mentally resilient.
Did you know that one of the main ways to be happier in yourself is to be more helpful to other people? When we learn to help other people we naturally allow ourselves to feel happier. It's just the way we are built. Whether it's giving a friend a hand, throwing your weight in behind a cause that matters or just supporting other people in some way who may be in a more disadvantageous position than you, giving is like gold dust for our mental well-being. Make 2021 the year when you go out of your way to Smile More at people you don't even know, offer to support someone who may be in need or just generally to be kinder and more thoughtful. The law of attraction suggests that what you put out you get back and so how important is being happy to you?
The final and most important way to work on your well-being in 2021 is to pay more attention to where you are not where you've been and not where you think you'll be. Learning to be more mindful allows you to be present and therefore be happy right now with what's in front of you. Remember, when you like what you have, you have everything you need. All too often we live in a future that hasn't happened yet which acts as a complete drain on our mental resources. You don't have to run into the future in order to get more. Concentrate on what's right in front of you in terms of the family and friends that matter most, in terms of the breath you take every day and the roof you have over your head. Remind yourself that most of the time when you pay attention to where you are you are safe and you are ok. Next time you go out for a walk remember that every blade of grass has a different shade of green. Ever noticed that before?