Power of Imagination

Your imagination is an amazing gift, that used correctly can be used for many different applications. All too often however people are unaware of just how underdeveloped their imaginations really are. Most likely if your current situation doesn’t require you to use your imagination then the last time you really had the opportunity to exercise your brain was when you were a child. That being the case then you are missing out on an amazing tool. Your ability to control your mind through your imagination can give you control over all kinds of areas in your life. Using your imagination you can change any habit, sleep better, control anxiety set any goal and deal with any fear. For years the medical profession has argued that the only way to deal with certain conditions was through the power of medicine and counselling. In more recent times, however, psychologists have discovered that imagination is the key to most long-term change both mental and in some cases physiological. Conditions like IBS and migraines although often treatable through conventional medicine can also be greatly helped through more psychological approaches like hypnosis and meditation practices.
So what is your imagination exactly?
Your imagination is your ability to create mental images of something that may already exist or it may be the ability for you to imagine objects, situations or circumstances which do not exist right now. From the moment we are born our imaginations allow us to create through sound taste smell and touch. As children are imaginations can sometimes become over generalised this overgeneralisation can lead to the beginning of an irrational phobia or anxiety which can persist well into adult hood. Fear of flying or general anxiety disorders can often find their root cause in an over active imagination which creates a negative anticipation of something which hasn’t even happened and yet is real enough through the pictures the person creates internally to lead to acutely ‘real’ physiological symptoms in the person like shortness of breath, sweating and gastric problems.
Everything that we create for the beauty of the world, whether in the art world in music in literature or simply through the many thousand inventions that we all take for granted today were born out of imagination.
And it is imagination which is at the heart of many of the psychological tools used by Cumbria Hypnosis. There are people who say they have no imagination.The fact is that some imaginations are weaker than others but everyone has the ability to visualise.
Want to see how powerful your imagination is and whether Cumbria Hypnosis can help you? Take this little test now by watching the video below and see whether you would fit into the 85% of people who can use their imaginations for long-term change?
Your imagination is an amazing gift, that used correctly can be used for many different applications. All too often however people are unaware of just how underdeveloped their imaginations really are. Most likely if your current situation doesn’t require you to use your imagination then the last time you really had the opportunity to exercise your brain was when you were a child. That being the case then you are missing out on an amazing tool. Your ability to control your mind through your imagination can give you control over all kinds of areas in your life. Using your imagination you can change any habit, sleep better, control anxiety set any goal and deal with any fear. For years the medical profession has argued that the only way to deal with certain conditions was through the power of medicine and counselling. In more recent times, however, psychologists have discovered that imagination is the key to most long-term change both mental and in some cases physiological. Conditions like IBS and migraines although often treatable through conventional medicine can also be greatly helped through more psychological approaches like hypnosis and meditation practices.